Opendock + Redwood Connect
Gain real-time visibility, transparency and planning capabilities over warehouse operations by integrating Opendock with RedwoodConnect. Easily integrate apps, carriers, and systems into any TMS or WMS for a unified supply chain with real-time insights to achieve greater supply chain control without allocating additional time or resources.
Take control of your dock appointments in your WMS & TMS
Ultimate Flexibility
Set up/cancel/update/delete appointments (date/time)
Full Visibility
Appointment status (arrived/completed/in & out times/dwell times)
Proof of Delivery
Send/receive/validate PO#s
Shipment Information
Receive shipment info (other load #’s, pallet count, etc) to auto-create appointments in Opendock
Two-way Appointment Creation
Create appointments in TMS, WMS, and ERP systems on behalf of carriers
Customized Notifications
Send notifications and emails to carriers from Opendock triggers
Save time and money
by having your carriers book online.
Kick that old, painful process to the curb, and move to online dock scheduling.